3-Minute Roast, with Vol. Number so big you think we're for real

Vague Anti-Establishment Tagline With Pokey, Roasted Things

[some mumbo-jumbo about being able to read this in less than 3 minutes, with a sly nod-nod wink-wink to the Big Joke below]

Snappy Headline That Makes Your Head Snap Off

Random High-Tech Dateline -- An introductory explanation as to why some egotistical, overpaid CEO -- or the company that he runs -- deserves to be ridiculed. This could take the form of a fake press release, an irregular Top 10 list, or stream of consciousness Jay Leno-meets-John Dvorak current events jokes.

By this point, you the reader are dying to hit "Delete" and move on to distressed emails from ex-boyfriends or Wired's ever-shrinking HotFlash e-newsletter. Luckily, our harebrained humor draws you back, rubbernecking to see the clash of bad Bill Gates-as-the-devil diatribes and rants against old-school companies pretending to be cyberhip to drive stock prices through the roof.

We use the "royal we" first-person plural to create an illusion in your mind of a staff of young, perky ne'er-do-wells trying to stand up for the Little Guy whilst spitting in the face of the New Tech Millionaires. Various mentions of 3MR "moles" or "inside sources" conjure up a network of international spies rather than random, passing daydreams of intrigue.

Then, before the whole darned scheme comes crashing down by the weight of itself, we end with a pithy, cynical remark.

DeathRace 2000(tm)

[wherein we take joy and bottomless pleasure at the foibles of three online ventures, and wish we could add ZDTV to the lineup if one of our staffers wasn't starring in one of the shows]

Snappy Headline About Snap!

Using other news sources to bolster our quickly dwindling spare time, we quote funny happenings in the world of this failing venture. For extra fun, we make middle managers look greedy and bastard-like, while making CEOs look like a combination of Mussolini and Gordon Gekko.

[Finally, a plea to visit the DeathRace 2000 site to help boost traffic to our own failing online venture.]


The Making of "3-Minute Roast" is an obnoxiously self-conscious attempt to show readers how silly we really are.

Made Up Name -- Stupid Title
Made Up Name -- Stupid Title
Really Made Up Name -- Even Stupider Title

* If you hate this newsletter, send a reply message that makes you out to be a bigger fool than us.
* Shameless plug for our online archives.
* The material is the exclusive copyright of something we made up.
* Feel free to forward this to three people. We'd like to break the 100 mark in subscriptions.

This e-newsletter is copyright 1998 Mark Glaser


If you have comments or suggestions or would like to subscribe, email

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